Come to
S.O.S Pets operates mainly with the generous help of volunteers, without whom the organization would not be able to function. Adult and teenager volunteers of all ages, even as young as first graders, accompanied by their parents, are vital manpower essential to our success.
If you love animals, You too can help our organization in many different ways.
You can volunteer on our adoption days which are held each Saturday in Hezeliya, serve as a foster home for a dog or a cat for a short period or donate to our organization in different ways.
S.O.S pets Israel also enabeld kids from the age of 8 to volunteer (under the age of 12 they have to be under their parents' supervision) at our main adoption day on Saturdays in Herzliya.
'Personal commitment' - each year over 100 teenagers and students do their 'personal commitment' with S.O.S Pets.
Foster families
Our organization was the first to use foster families as the optimal intermediate solution for pets, rather than shelters. Due to the special work of the organization, while waiting to be rehomed, our pets enjoy living in a home environment where the mortality rate is close to zero. Our years of experience have proved to be more than successful. In addition to the benefits to the pet (better physical and mental health) the absence of shelters also encourages the public to be more involved in the animals'care and causes them to feel more responsible for their fate.

Rescuing Moms and Puppies
Every day we receive reports of mothers and puppies, or motherless puppies, found abandoned and in distress - on military bases, in rural towns, in open fields up north, in the central region, in the south - unfortunately everywhere. It's an epidemic, and the Ministry of Agriculture is negligent and will not provide the necessary resources to deal with this problem. It falls upon the animal rescue organizations and on-the-ground volunteers to rescue and rehabilitate them. We at SOS Pets decided to change this brutal reality, and every month we take in additional mothers and large numbers of puppies.
However, without the public's assistance, we will not be able to help this many dogs in need. Please open your hearts and help us save them.

Get Rexy Project
Sometimes the animal lives in a foster family that cannot transport it if necessary to or from adoption day, or to vet visits, etc. In these and other cases, we occasionally need help with transporting dogs or cats on short journeys.
Volunteers who have a vehicle and are prepared to help us with animal transport are invited to register for the Get Rexy project.